Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Active Ingredient: Boldenone Undecylenate
Package: 1 vial of 10 ml (300 mg/ml)
EQ 300 is an injectable steroid made by Dragon Pharmaceuticals which contains the boldenone undeclyate ester and is also known as Equipoise. This ester is a result of an attempt to make an injectable, longer acting version of dianabol. What was actually created does act nothing like methandrostenolone. To create the boldenone undeclynate steroid, the testosterone molecule was modified by adding a double bond between first to carbon atoms. This explains why EQ 300 is as anabolic as testosterone. Although it exhibits similar proprieties with testosterone it is half as androgenic. You will experience less mass gains when using EQ 300 compared to the same amount of testosterone but at the same time the strength increase will be similar for both steroids. Most people would compare this drug to deca thinking of it as a steroid that acts the same as nandrolone decanoate but only in a stronger maner. This is not quite true as Boldenone Undeclynate is less effective then Deca in a mass building cycle but is a far better drug if your goal is strength increase. Undeclynate is a longer ester then Nandrolone Decanoate that is why you should expect a slow and constant buildup of muscle. Thus EQ 300 is able to create muscles at a lower rate then Deca The detection time of this steroid is quite long. EQ 300 can produce detectable metabolites months after cycle. This is why it is not advised for drug tested athletes to use it in preparation for their contest.
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