Injectable Steroids (203 Offers)

Injectable Steroids for Sale

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Deca 200 / NPP 150 Dragon Pharma, Europe
Dragon Pharma, Europe

Made by Dragon Pharma
Contains a mix of 2 steroids:

  • Nandrolone Decanoate 200mg
  • Nandrolone Phenylpropionate 150mg

One 10 ml vial

92.00 USD  
Tren/Test 350 Dragon Pharma, Europe
Dragon Pharma, Europe

Made by Dragon Pharma
Contains a mix of 2 steroids:

  • Trenbolone Enanthate 100mg
  • Testosterone Enanthate 250mg

One 10 ml vial

75.00 USD  
Nandroxyl 250 Kalpa Pharmaceuticals LTD, India
Kalpa Pharmaceuticals LTD, India

Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
Substance: Nandrolone Decanoate
Pack: 10 ml vial (250 mg/ml)

70.00 USD  
Testoxyl Enanthate 250 Kalpa Pharmaceuticals LTD, India
Kalpa Pharmaceuticals LTD, India

Made by Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
Containes 250 mg/ml of Testosterone Enanthate
One 10 ml vial

47.00 USD  
1-Test-Cyp Dragon Pharma, Europe
Dragon Pharma, Europe

Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Active Ingredient: Dihydroboldenone Cypionate
Package: 1 vial of 10 ml (100 mg/ml)

45.00 USD  
Boldabol 200 British Dragon Pharmaceuticals
British Dragon Pharmaceuticals

Made by Brtish Dragon
Contains 200 gm/ml of Boldenone Undecylentate
One 10 ml vial

65.00 USD  
Boldabol Forte British Dragon Pharmaceuticals
British Dragon Pharmaceuticals

Made by British Dragon
Contains 300 mg/ml of Boldenone Undecylenate
One 10 ml vial

89.00 USD  
Boldaxyl 300 Kalpa Pharmaceuticals LTD, India
Kalpa Pharmaceuticals LTD, India

Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
Active Ingredient: Boldenone Undecylenate
Package: 1 vial of 10 (300 mg/ml)

70.00 USD  
Boldelab-200 7Lab Pharma, Switzerland
7Lab Pharma, Switzerland

Manufacturer:7Labs Pharma (Switzerland)
Substance: Boldenone Undecylenate
Pack: 10 ml vial (200mg/mll)

70.00 USD  
Cut Long 300 Dragon Pharma, Europe
Dragon Pharma, Europe

Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Active Ingredient: Trenbolone Enanthate, Testosterone Enanthate, Drostanolone Enanthate
Package: 1 vial of 10 ml (300 mg/ml)

120.00 USD  
Cut Mix 150 Dragon Pharma, Europe
Dragon Pharma, Europe

Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Active Ingredient: Blend of 3 Hormones
Package: 1 vial of 10 ml (150 mg/ml)

75.00 USD  
Cutaxyl 150 Kalpa Pharmaceuticals LTD, India
Kalpa Pharmaceuticals LTD, India

Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals

  • Drostanolone Propionate - 50 mg/ml
  • Trenbolone Acetate - 50 mg/ml
  • Testosterone Propionate - 50 mg/ml

Pack: 10 ml vial (150 mg/ml)

75.00 USD  
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Injectable Anabolic Steroids for Sale

Performance-based athletes like bodybuilders, weightlifters, powerlifters, and strongmen use steroid injections to build their physique and improve their athletic abilities.

Many bodybuilders prefer to order injectable steroids because they are effective.

Injectable steroids require a small dose compared to oral anabolic steroids.

Benefits of buying injectable steroids over Oral Steroids.

Steroid injections have some advantages over oral steroids that make them more preferable.

For example, injectable steroids are safe for organs like the liver and kidneys. Injectables are not administered as frequently as oral steroids during a cycle.

Most oral steroid cycles last for weeks with daily doses required. However, injectable steroids with a longer half-life only require injections taken once or twice a week for the duration of the cycle, and those with a shorter half-life can be administered every other day or every two days.

Should you purchase injectable steroids?

Advantages of Injectable Steroids

Along with providing volume, cutting, and performance boosts, injectable steroids also provide users with many other benefits. Some of the top reasons athletes buy steroid injections include:

  1. Less damage to vital organs:
    • Injectable steroids are not metabolized by the liver or kidneys, unlike oral steroids. With injectable anabolic steroids, your liver and kidneys are safe from any drug-induced damage.
  2. Faster Anabolic Effects:
    • By using injectable steroids, athletes will experience anabolic effects much faster than other forms of steroids.
  3. Lasting effects:
    • To experience long-lasting anabolic effects, most injectable steroids are administered on a weekly basis due to their high dosage. A high dose means a much longer anabolic effect in your body.
  4. Procuring high doses:
    • Injectable steroids provide users with fast delivery of high doses and directly into their bloodstream.
  5. Infrequent administration:
    • The administration of steroid injections is not done daily. Injectable steroids are usually taken weekly. This can be a benefit on its own, especially if you find it difficult to keep up with your daily dose of oral steroids.

Some disadvantages of steroid injections

Serious side effects from steroid injections are rare. Serious side effects are often due to steroid abuse or an underlying health condition. However, there are still a few side effects of injecting steroids that are worth noting, and these include:

    • Bleeding
    • Pain
    • Redness
    • Inflammation of the injection site
    • Allergic reactions

    Popular injectable steroids for sale in the USA.

    There are many popular injectable steroids offered for sale around the world and you can also buy these injectable steroids online from the internet with delivery to almost every country including US.

    The most commonly used injectable steroids include: Deca Durabolin , Testosterone Enanthate , Sustanon , Trenbolone , Boldenone and Primobolan.

    These steroids are produced by renowned laboratories such as Kalpa Pharmaceuticals, British Dragon, Axiolabs, Dragon Pharma , Sciroxx, Hilma Biocare:

          1. a) Deca-Durabolin:
            • Deca-Durabolin (also known as Deca, Nandroxyl 250, Nandrodex 300) is a very potent injectable anabolic androgenic steroid. Bodybuilders use Deca to stimulate appetite and gain lean vascular skeletal muscle mass.
            • The Deca steroid price is at around $70, depending on the concentration of the specific injectable.
          2. b) Sustanon:
            • Sustanon is an injection steroid that consists of four types or more of testosterone namely: decanoate, isocaproate, phenylpropionate and propionate. Sustanon provides bodybuilders with increased strength, energy and muscle mass gains.
            • Sustanon 250 , is a product with a concentration starting at 250 mg per ml. This product is valued at about $55.
          3. c) Boldenone Undecylenate:
            • Boldenone is popularly known under the trade name Equipoise. This injectable steroid is used by both amateur and professional bodybuilders. Bold provides bodybuilders with bone density and muscle mass gains.
            • Boldaxyl 300 an injectable steroid from Kalpa Pharmaceuticals with a concentration of 300 mg per ml of Boldenone Undecylenate sold at the price of $70 for a 10 ml vial.

    Looking for cheap injectable steroids for sale?

    Look no further. Buying injectable steroids online from DaddyRoids is something you should definitely consider. We sell anabolic steroids produced by internationally renowned laboratories.

    All of the injectable steroids available on DaddyRoids website are of the highest quality as we deal with the most reputable steroid labs only and we get our supplied directly from the manufacturers.

    We aim at making our website a one stop shop this is why we are constantly looking for new, reliable steroid brands that we can add to our inventory.

    We have to offer over 600 different injectable steroids for sale from different manufacturers. The price range starts from the lowest possible to the more expensive offers so we can satify as much of our customers needs as possible

    The cheaper injectable steroids usually are the ones that are available to be shipped from warehouses that require less maintenance expenses and the more expensive are usually the injectable steroids shipped within the USA.

    Buying Injectable Steroids From DaddyRoids?

    There are many reasons why you should order injectable steroids from and here are a few you may consider:

          • Several payment options, starting with Wire Transfers to Bank Transfers and Bitcoin. You can use a credit card to send the payment online with pretty much any payment option we accept.
          • Fast delivery of orders. Every order made on DaddyRoids is delivered as quickly as possible and a discreet delivery service internationally.
          • Customer Service Service. DaddyRoids provides professional and quick customer support related to any purchase, as well as with any other question regarding the use or ordering of anabolic steroids.<\li>
          • Secure transactions. All your transactions on our platform are safe and secure. uses state-of-the-art firewalls as well as advanced SSL encryption technology. This ensures that your personal data is protected against any cyber threats.
          • Guaranteed delivery for any product. You can be sure you will receive any injectable steroid ordered online on our website. We have a reshipment policy and we will resend any package if it's not received within 28 business days.

    There are plenty of sources offering injectable steroids for sale in the usa as well as worldwide so it can be overwhelming when it comes to choosing the best one.

    Check our offers as we sell pretty much the full spectre of anabolics made by the oldest and best labs that are on the market like: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals, Dragon Pharma, 7Labs Pharma, Sciroxx, Axiolabs, British Dragon and more.

    Check also what other customers have to say about the quality of our products and services we offer by reading the reviews they left.

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