For those asking questions, you need to do your research before even thinking about using this. But I'll help you out a little. The HCG comes in powdered form. Which means you need bacteriostatic water to reconstitue the powder into liquid (use sterile needles and sterile vials with rubber tops when doing this). HCG is typically used from week 3 to week 14 if you are using TEST E for 12 weeks.
Richard Mar 28, 2017 (10:00)
Did I read correct that some body builders use HCG while in the cycle as well as steroids?
Juan Sep 16, 2015 (17:13)
If I take 50mgs of Winstrol Depot 3 times a week for 4 weeks. Would I need HCG or a regular PCT supplement. And will your packaging be discreet like would it say daddyroids on the package?
arnaldo Sep 12, 2015 (15:05)
Como se aplica la mesclan las 2 soluciones.y como se divide la dosis entre 5 inyecciones .por favor necesito ayuda.
arnaldo Aug 31, 2015 (14:40)
How do you administered pregnyl HCG 5000iu .i want to know if 1 ml is 1000iu
Please log in to write HCG Pregnyl 5000 IU review.
May 14, 2017 (17:17)
For those asking questions, you need to do your research before even thinking about using this. But I'll help you out a little. The HCG comes in powdered form. Which means you need bacteriostatic water to reconstitue the powder into liquid (use sterile needles and sterile vials with rubber tops when doing this). HCG is typically used from week 3 to week 14 if you are using TEST E for 12 weeks.