49.50 USD 66.00 USD

Manufacturer: Axiolabs
Substance: Mesterolone
Package: 20 pills | 25 mg per pill

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U.S. Domestic
You will save 16.50 USD
Proviraplex Axiolabs

Proviraplex Detailed

Proviraplex 25mg

Proviraplex (Mesterolone) is an androgenic/anabolic steroid with a particularly high affinity for SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin). SHBG is a protein that acts by binding to sex hormones and preventing them from interacting within the body at places like the AR (androgen receptor). Because of its high affinity with SHBG, Proviraplex' main use is to competitively bind with SHBG, freeing up more of the endogenous hormone to be active within the body. In effect, proviron acts as a 'magnifier' of the anabolic effects of steroid hormones. It also exhibits anti-aromatase activity, hence helping to prevent the conversion of certain steroids into estrogen. As a result, the intake of proviraplex whilst on a cycle of steroids, results in a 'hardening' of skeletal muscle - a look which is very popular amongst steroid users.
One side effect of proviraplex is the increased frequency and severity of erections, particularly during sleep/upon waking. Although proviraplex is an orally administered steroid, and is alkylated to survive the first pass through the liver, it is considered to be almost completely non-toxic to the liver. A typical dose of proviron might be from 25-100mg daily.
The new Proviraplex formula is white tablet coated in a bright blue protective cover that will prevent absorption in the stomach, thus allowing for correct absorption in the lower intestine.

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