Cypionat 250
48.00 USD

Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Active Ingredient: Testosterone Cypionate
Package: 1 vial of 10 ml (250 mg/ml)

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Cypionat 250 Dragon Pharma, Europe Cypionat 250 Dragon Pharma, Europe Cypionat 250 Dragon Pharma, Europe

Cypionat 250 Detailed

Cypionat 250 by Dragon Pharma

Dragon Pharma Cypionat is an injectable steroid containing 250mg per ml of the anabolic hormone Testosterone Cypionate.

Cypionat 250 is one of the most popular and most used testosterone available. Testosterone Cypionate is an oil-based form of testosterone with strong androgenic and anabolic effects. It aromatizes quite easily which means that the conversion rate to estrogen, similar to enanthate's, is relatively high.

Many athletes report that cypionate stores more water in the body than enantathe does. Also this drug is quite toxic to the liver and significantly reduces body's own production of testosterone. Cypionat 250 provides most of the huge increase in strength and mass.

However, although the increase in mass and strength is enormous, the loss of muscle tissue after discontinuing administration of testosterone is also significant. If we examine the quality Testosterone cypionate more closely, we can see it is similar to testosterone enanthate.

Using Dragon Pharma Cypionat in a Bodybuilding Cycle

Doses are similar to that of Enanthate and Sustanon. Most users report solid gains using between 250mgs and 1000mgs per week.

Excessive doses will increase side effects mentioned below. Advanced athletes recommend to reduce the "reverse effect" by using Nolvadex at the same time reducing the dose of testosterone cypionate, and at the end of the course it is advisebal to use HGG.

If you use cypionat 250 in reasonable doses, its benefits exceed the negative side effects. Depending on the metabolism and the hormonal system this compound can stay active for about 2-3 weeks, so theoretically very large intervals between injections are possible.

Although testosterone cypionate is active more than a few weeks, it is usually inected by athletes at least once a week since it has a half-life of only one week. The effective dosage for men 250-750 mg per week, while women should avoid the use of cypionat 250.

Cypionat 250 Side Effects

Testosterone Cypionate's conversion rate to estrogen is very high. This, on one hand, leads the body to store more fat; on the other hand, feminization symptoms (gynecomastia) are not unusual. However, it must be clearly stated that this depends on the athlete's predisposition.

By all means, there are athletes who even with 1000 mgs per week do not show feminization symptoms or fat deposits and who suffer very low water retention. Others, however, develop pain in their nipples using small doses.

Suggested Stacking Protocol with Dragon Pharma Cypionat

Mass Building Cycles:

Mass building with all Testosterones is very effective. A simple stack of Cypionat 250, Nandrolone Deconate and Anadrol yields quality mass. Nolvadex should be used to combat the water retention.

Cutting Steroid Cycles:

Cypionat 250 is not really effective as a cutting steroid as the water retention is quite severe. Combing it with Arimidex and Nolvadex may help control the water retention and side effects. Sustanon or Testosterone Propionate are far better choices for Contest Prep.

Cypionat 250 Reviews

Oct 16, 2023 (13:28)

I've been using Dragon Pharma for years. Great product and great results!

Jan 10, 2019 (05:47)

A review of this product, Daddyroids and advice on the ordering process:
The product: This is the real deal. The Dragon Pharma website confirms Daddyroids as a "gold" distributer and I am DEF getting a good dose of testosterone from the injections.
Daddyroids: I was no longer able to afford to see the doctor and get scrips but gotta have this life changing "suppliment", figured I had to roll the dice and research showed Daddy with mostly good reviews. I pulled the trigger and was given order confirmation on 12/6 with a projected delivery date of 12/21.
Bam! my shipment came in as ordered and a week early. On the site now to place a second order.
Ordering advice: Of all the options given to place an order, I chose WU and found that you can create an account with WU online, pay by CC and never have to leave the house (or piss around with BC).

A great experience, MEN OVER 40 if you are not on TRT you are missing out on a better life. GET IT!!

Jul 6, 2014 (21:59)

Im about to place order again are you guys still in business? My last order didnt really show gains gonna try again

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