Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
Substance: Clenbuterol Hydrochloride
Pack: 100 tabs (40 mcg/tab)
Clenbutaxyl by Kalpa Pharmaceuticals also named "Clen" is a drug that athletes and bodybuilders consider as powerful beta-2 agonist. Clen will simulate the beta-2 receptors in the body that will help you lose fat by assisting your body to release fats that are stored through metabolism. Clen was a popular veterinary drug for several years to enhance lean meat yield among livestock. The drug is very popular for this purpose, but since it has long active life the US veterinarians don't prefer it. Also for asthma treatment in US, Albuterol is preferred because its FDA approved as side effects are less when compared to Clen.
Particularly for fat loss, the drug is very popular among athletes. Clen can increase the proportion of FFM (fat free mass) to FM (fat mass). When you use Clenbutaxyl, you will experience decreased appetite, heightened body temperature and also fat loss. Since FDA has not approved this drug as asthmatics medicine, USDA also has restricted the usage of this drug for treating livestock. There are various human studies to examine the advantages of Clenbutaxyl but research has been made tough and there are significant differences in concentration and categories of beta receptors.
Clen is anabolic and anti-anabolic for animals, but there are no scientific results to prove these effects on human beings. There can be a trend observed in administration of Clen in high doses among animals. Though Clen is anabolic and anti-catabolic, the effects anticipated will be very mild. The major limitation of Clen is that when you take it continuously for two weeks, it will stop functioning. Also, there are certain risks to heart such as ventricular enlargement by using this drug.
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